Tavanipupu makes a You Turn to attracts more International Guests

You don’t need to travel to Australia, New Zealand and to other Pacific Islands because we have our very own and that is Tavanipupu Island Resort (TIR), new manager of TIR Mereoni Adimai uttered the statement in an interview.
Speaking to SINPF media, Solomon Islands has a lot to offer in terms of tourism and hospitality very much that makes TIR is sitting on goldmine, when you talk about authenticity, the culture, the quietness of the environment you talking about Tavanipupu.
Recently, the Canberra Grammar School at the resort doing their cultural show exchange programmed with surrounding primary schools at Marau sound, East Guadalcanal.
Manager Mereoni says according to Canberra Grammar School calendar every year they have to choose a place in the pacific to take their students, to explore the outside world from Australia. So what they did, they went through the web and saw TIR website. And also in the recent past TIR has participated in a world travel shows and the photos that were displayed at the show spoke a thousand words about the uniqueness of the island resort.
May this year the school called for bookings of 28 students including their teachers and travelled to the Solomon Islands for a 4 night stay at the resort. A huge welcome was made by the TIR management and staff for the Canberra Grammar School guests when they arrived.
Under the new management TIR maintains a cordial relationship to work together with the Marau sound communities including church groups and schools.
“TIR needs the support of the communities in Marau Sound and also the community need the support of the TIR” says Mereoni. And she is working hard to create a good relationship with community. So that when such groups come to the resort, they will also visit the community to experience life in a rural setting.
“We talk about environmental and climate issues which made the Grammar School really want to come to TIR”, Mereoni said,
Manager Mereoni adds it was a field trip for the students; donating school materials and one thousand dollars to 3 primary schools around TIR.
TIR, schools and the surrounding communities also benefit from the visiting Grammar School students and teachers whilst interacting with them.