SINPF CEO Presents a gift to Samoa National Provident Fund CEO

General Manager of Solomon Islands National Provident Fund Mike Wate presented a gift to Chief Executive Officer for Samoa National Provident Fund Pauli Prince Suhren in his Office in Apia, Samoa.
Mr. Wate had express presenting the gift is a clear manifestation of the cordial relationship inbuilt amongst leaders in the Pacific Islands Investment Forum, especially your leadership as the host for 2nd Pacific Islands Investment Forum 2019.
The presentation coincides with Wate’s courtesy visit to SNPF CEO’s office. CEO Prince in reply, he said presentation of the gift symbolizes how we leaders value each other to serve our people in the pacific islands.
SINPF Chief Executive Officer Mike Wate joined other CEOs from various National Provident, Superannuation Funds and Unit Trust Funds in the Pacific to participate in the 2nd CEO Pacific Islands Investment Forum hosted by Samoa National Provident Fund in Apia, Samoa from 3rd to 5th September 2019.
During the forum the CEO’s have discuss a number of topics that include cross boarder investment opportunities in infrastructure investments in the region and listen to a number of presentations from the World Bank, IFC,ADB and DFAT.
The Forum is an opportunity for the CEOs to hold its high level talks, review the direction and objectives of the Forum, hold the Annual General Meeting, and appoint the new Chairman of the Board, who will also host the next CEO Forum. NASFUND of Papua New Guinea will be the next host.