Premier Suidani applaud SINPF to invest in Malaita Province

The outspoken Malaita Premier Daniel Suidani said the Malaita Provincial Government and the people of Malaita province have commended the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund Board to build a new infrastructure in Auki.
Suidani made the statement today when speaking at the Official Hand Over handing of the Fund’s New Property Investment, the “SINPF Auki Our Telekom Haus” from the contractor Tropical Group Builders to SINPF Board.
“I sincerely appreciate the futuristic thinking of SINPF to continue support tangible investments in Malaita Province” he said.
He described the building is an addition to a new Infrastructure investment in Auki. Malaita province needs to raise revenue to support their service provisions and one of the keys or if not the key ways to collect revenue is through business license.
Guest speaker Premier Suidani said Malaita has a big population that any investors should be able to rely on when it comes to trade and doing business.
The key to any striving economy be it national or subnational is a growing private sector investment.
“My government welcomes and encourage the private sector to continue to increase its participation in the local economy of Malaita Province” Suidani said.
Public sector intervention in business enterprises must not be done to crowd out private sector participation. We must continue to allow conducive partnerships of business houses and even private public sector partnerships.
Present in the ceremony were members representative from the government, private sector, NGOs and churches. Tenants of the building Solomon Telekom Company Limited and Winrock and the Deputy and Acting Chairman of SINPF Board David Rupokets, SINPF Board of Directors, Riley Mesepitu, Shepherd Lapo, CEO/ General Manager Mike Wate, Managers in SINPF and the Business Community.