Dr Soma conduct cancer awareness at NPF Office

The month of October is known as the Breast Cancer Awareness Month or Pinktober because of Pink Ribbon Day that falls on Friday 27th of October, 2022.
Dr Soma of Oncology Department conducted the breast cancer awareness on Tuesday 31st; October 2023 at the SINPF Office. He revealed that, breast cancer is the number one cancer killer in Solomon Islands.
The Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF) recognised the importance of the fight against breast cancer to organize a donation of Ten thousand dollars and handed over to Dr Andrew Soma of Oncology Department at the National Referral Hospital.
The awareness is to educate and informed SINPF staffs to spread the awareness in the fight against breast cancer in Solomon Islands.
“Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in Solomon Islands followed closely by prostate cancer and then cervix cancer, says Dr. Soma
Dr Soma said so far they have recorded hundred cases every year. He said the records in the hospital also shows that women diagnosed with breast cancer is on alarming rate as such it sounds a warning for females at all ages must have early check, to ensure they take their early treatment sooner the better.
He said the establishment of the cancer unit has enable people to have more information on the types of cancer seen in the referral hospital.
He highlighted the risks and signs of breast cancer, and other cancers in Solomon Islands. He said breast cancer is currently one of the top 5 cancers in Solomon Islands today. One of the challenge they have encounter is lack of proper facilities, logistics and adequate awareness.
Dr Soma acknowledged commitment taken by some women to fight women’s breast cancer in Solomon Islands.
The breast cancer awareness was attended by SINPF staffs.